healOzone – Practice concept– Caries treatment


Ozone has been used in medicine for many years in the treatment of wound infections. Recent research by the American National Academy of Sciences shows that endogenous cells (neutrophils) are able to produce ozone within the body for non-specific defence against pathogens.

For the first time in the history of dentistry, KaVo has succeeded in producing a device that cures caries. Ozone is the treatment agent used in healOzone. The ozone gas is effectively applied in highly concentrated form via a vacuum to kill the bacteria present in carious lesions.

Remineralisation of the lesions is achieved with minerals, which are preferably applied in the treatment session using the oral hygiene kit supplied with the healOzone system and/or by fluoridation.


1. healOzone treatment can be easily integrated into routine practice:

Various advertising media were used in our practice to make our patients aware of this novel treatment:
1. Flyers
2. Waiting room presentations
3. Posters

Furthermore, we received inquiries from patients about this new treatment method in response to the web presentation of the healOzone procedure. The corresponding consultation with the dentist is based on the case findings and the response of patients to the aforementioned advertising materials.

2. Patient selection:
In practice, patients are selected based on clinical findings and DIAGNOdent measurements. Supplementary X-rays are taken in fissure caries patients with DIAGNOdent values greater than 30. Treatment planning is performed in collaboration with the patient based on the examination findings. As with any new treatment, additional time is required to explain the procedure and varies depending on the status of the patient’s knowledge.

3. Preliminary treatment:
Cleaning of the affected tooth surfaces with Prophyflex or a brush and cleaning paste is mandatory. This service may be performed by a trained chair assistant. Before healOzone treatment, DIAGNOdent values are measured by the dentist for precise follow-up. In addition, the CSI index is recorded by the dentist.

Patient selection and treatment are performed exclusively by the dentist:

  • Enamel lesions (buccal and palatal) on teeth with an intact surface and DIAGNOdent values below 30 peak are treated with ozone for 30 seconds. Fluoridation is then performed and the Patient Kit issued.
  • Fissures with DIAGNOdent values below 30 peak and a carious lesion are either treated with ozone and the Patient Kit alone or are additionally sealed as a preventive measure, depending on the risk of caries and the anatomical shape of the fissure.
  • Caries lesions in fissures with DIAGNOdent values over 30 peak (hidden caries) must be opened by minimally invasive methods, treated with healOzone for 20 to 60 seconds, and filled with Point4 flowable. Subsequently, fluoridation is performed and the Patient Kit issued.
  • Primary root caries without extensive cavitation is treated with healOzone for 30 seconds, and then treated with fluoride and the Patient Kit.



Each treatment session requires a minimum time of 15 minutes and can be incorporated in the normal office routine.

4. Aftercare:

Follow-up is performed at intervals of 4 weeks and 12 weeks after re-cleaning the affected area (exceptions: composite fillings and fissure sealing). If the DIAGNOdent values do not improve significantly, healOzone treatment should be repeated and prophylactic measures intensified. If DIAGNOdent values are higher after treatment, it will be necessary to repeat the healOzone treatment and to re-open the lesion. In this case, a composite filling or seal should be placed.

The patients are billed after the first healOzone treatment (according to § 2 Para. 3 of the German Dentists' fee schedule). The Patient Kit is supplied by the Prophylaxis Shop. Our experience with healOzone and laser dentistry shows that non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments are especially well-accepted by patients. Regular and timely dental screening allows for broad therapeutic application of healOzone. We would like to see more attention placed on preventive dentistry, which is made possible by DIAGNOdent and healOzone.

If caries is detected early, the visit to the dentist will be a pleasant experience thanks healOzone.


Curozone Gmbh Tel. +49 611 978 196 70
Hagenauer Straße 59 e-mail: Curozone@t-online.de
65203 Wiesbaden www.healozone.com